An earthmoving equipment company has suffered defeat over a $500k personal guarantee debt due to sloppy credit control p...
Solicitor sued on borrower mis-identification
A mortgage manager who negotiated a loan at the request of a broker has sued the solicitor entrusted with mortgage prepa...
Borrower defeats NAB on home loan default, gambling wife a defence
A $400k NAB loan taken out in February 2004 was restructured in 2008 into a redraw facility on strict instructions that ...
Lender barred on mortgage forgery clawback, innocent recipient keeps $225k
A lawyer whose signature was forged by her husband so he could fund a deposit on a stately family home at a prestige add...
Perpetual’s low-doc home loans struck down for broker’s “exploitation” & originator’s reckless approval
A disabled couple has defeated Australia’s biggest non-bank lender in a court battle that saw their $228k home loan and ...
Porsche payments due, ANZ takes slow lane in fight over fast car
A property developer who financed his new Porsche through a related company has argued in his bid to stop ANZ bank recov...
Westpac’s $1 mil financial advice liability: spell out risks “in simple terms”, after-tax scenarios not enough
A millionaire media CEO whose investment goals included paying “little or no income tax” has chastened one of the countr...
Magazine publisher puts BOQ to proof on printing press loan default dispute
A commercial borrower has defended a bank’s $1.9 million re-fi loan default lawsuit on the basis that it had also promis...
ATO fends off fanciful claims to clawback tax debt
A taxpayer has sued the Taxation Commissioner for $450k as a result of his failure to accept a $1.00 “Bill of Exchange” ...