Corporate governance |
The rules and procedures through which a Board of Directors assures responsibility, equity and openness in its partnership with all shareholders (financial partners, consumers, leadership, staff, public authorities and communities). |
Conflict of interest |
A circumstance which may compromise an individual's impartiality because of the potential conflict between an individual's self-interest and the professional or public interest. |
Collective bargaining agreement |
The contract between the administration of the company and its workers organised by an official trade union is negotiated and legally enforceable for a specific period (usually for 1 year). |
Constitution law |
The legislation originated from a written constitution of a nation. This lays out and directs the government's duties and resources, and its people and residents ' obligations and freedoms. |
Cooling off period |
You have a cooling-off time of 3 days, according to certain restrictions, whenever you buy property privately. Therefore, if the terms and conditions apply, you may withdraw from the contract by written notification to the seller within 3 days. If you purchase a property at the auction, the cooling-off period applies. |
Covenants |
An contract that imposes an obligation to the holder of a property to do or not to do anything. For example, a restrictive contract may state that there can be no more than one residence on the land. |
Certificate of occupancy |
A document that indicates that a building surveyor has approved construction as suitable for occupation in accordance with the Building Act and other building regulations is also called the Occupancy Automatic Permit.
It is a crime to take possession of a new building without an occupancy permit including a home or apartment. |
Caveat |
A notification is a file that can be obtained at Land Use Queensland by anyone who has a legitimate interest in an estate. Upon registration, a notice note emerged in the title stating that a third party claimed ownership over the land to anyone with interest.
A notification shall prohibit the registration of land interest sales, ensuring it is not possible to transfer the estate and the agreement can only take place until the notice is repealed, suspended, postponed or annulled. |
Caveat emptor |
The purchaser has to check the value and suitability of the house, before the deal is completed. this is a legal principle that translates into "buyer beware." |
Consolidation |
Combining two acts (including the same parties and the same matters) into one court order action. A single decision may or may not contribute to merger. |
Community Titles Scheme |
The term given to multi-dwelling development. It can be a gated property house, a townhouse, or a high-rise apartment. The property title within the Community titles scheme shall have the same protection as the property title on a single land block, with the exception of having communal areas, such as a pool, fitness centre or public parking. |
Capitalisation Rate |
Any divisor (usually expressed as a percentage) used to convert anticipated economic benefits of a single period into value. |
Capital Structure |
The composition of the invested capital of a business enterprise, the mix of debt and equity financing. |
Cash flow |
Cash that is generated over a period of time by an asset, group of assets, or business enterprise. It may be used in a general sense to encompass various levels of specifically defined cash flows. |