Special rules apply to retail leasing. Expert drafting is essential and our Retail Leasing Lawyers can assist with all your requirements.

retail leasingThe Retail Shop Lease Act 1994 (Qld) adds complexities when leasing retail premises. Our retail leasing lawyers ensure that your rights and obligations are clearly understood.

A “retail shop” is a reference to premises of less than 1000 m² floor area used predominantly for one of the numerous retail business types described in the Retail Shop Leases Regulation.

It can also include premises that aren’t retail in nature but are situated in a “retail shopping centre” comprised of at least five tenancies, but only if more than 25% of the floor space on the same floor level is utilized for retail.

As in all commercial documentation, future unforeseen contingencies must be guarded against. Tenant default, unusual events, damage to the centre, insolvency of the landlord or the tenant are all events that require legal foresight that protects your rights and gives you practical solutions.

A lease is a legally binding contract wherein the landlord allows the tenant (this is you, as the business owner) to occupy certain premises — subject to certain terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.

In Queensland, a lease agreement qualifies as a retail shop lease if your business falls into any one of these two conditions:

  • It is in a Retail Shopping Centre (which is a place where five or more retail shops are located -such as shopping malls or arcades), or
  • It is used wholly or partly for carrying on a Retail Business.

Read our Guide to Retail Shop Leases in Queensland

Read our retail leases 101 – what you need to know before getting started.

A dispute between a retail or commercial landlord and its tenant can arise from many circumstances.

Retail Leasing Lawyers are vital to expertly assess and prepare the arguments on behalf of a lessor or a lessee to determine if leasing disputes is required. Find out more

Negotiating a commercially viable lease requires you to know and understand the key terms and conditions contained in the lease clauses.ATO

If you are a tenant, rental costs are a significant proportion of overheads and it is critical that you engage Retail Leasing Lawyers to review your lease before entering into a long-term relationship that could have negative long-term consequences for your business.

Our Retail Leasing Lawyers will review and discuss your retail or commercial lease so that you can be confident that there are no “hidden clauses” that will later be detrimental to your business.

Our Retail Leasing Lawyers can also advise on your obligations where necessary to ensure that you comply with the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994.

Our Retail Leasing Lawyers can assist with the entire range of services, including:

  • Negotiation of lease terms (including rent, assignment options, duration, options for exit and renewal);
  • Make-good and the condition of the premises when the tenancy is terminated;
  • Early termination of the lease;
  • Maintenance liability and associated costs;
  • Fitting out incentives;
  • Methods of dispute resolution;
  • Ownership of fittings and fixed equipment that you install;
  • Preparation and review of commercial and retail leases;
  • Renewal of leases, and lease assignments;
  • Responsibility for any refurbishments, additions, changes to the area let;
  • Advice concerning security bonds and lease guarantees.

Issues to consider in every lease

Regardless of your circumstances, our Retail leasing lawyers will help minimise the costly risks of starting and operating your business.

Looking to get an assessment on the prospects of your success in a retail leasing dispute? Try our free interactive assessment tool to see whether the issues in your dispute are likely to resolve in your favour.

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Tuesday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
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