A sports champion who refused to give his solicitors authority to accept service of mortgage default proceedings –...
Court dismisses “unfair” CBA home re-possession action
Australia’s largest bank has been denied re-possession of a Boronia Heights home that it had hoped to sell to cover the ...
Supreme Court stares down $3.5 quintillion global debt waiver decree
A plea for relief to Queensland’s court of appeal by Currumbin Valley home owners – who failed in their self-repre...
Arbitrary penalty interest argument edges closer to seismic High Court ruling
The legality of penalty interest charges levied by mortgage lenders on “defaulting” domestic and commercial ...
Battered borrowers sue: low-doc income fudge not lender’s problem
Unemployed re-fi borrowers – who were happy for their mortgage broker to mis-state loan application income –...
“Illegal” penalty loan rates go to appeal: ramifications for finance & property immense
The Casino (NSW) borrower who won a reprieve against mezzanine interest rates of 7.5% per month, has failed to stop the ...
“Exorbitant” default interest not a penalty but capitalisation of arrears “unconscionable”.
In a decision that will be intently studied by the finance industry and borrowers alike, the supreme court today refused...
Bank halts home sale: Buyer sues for extra $65k paid for house of “like-quality”
When Ai and Kris O’Neill signed a contract to buy a $360,000 residence at Ormeau, little did they know that the purchase...